Melissa Knight and Jerry Waldridge invited everyone to come to Melissa's farm in Lawrenceburg, Kentucky
over the long July 4th holiday for a weekend of camping and wagon riding. The weather over the entire weekend was forcast to be wonderful. It was around 80°F on Friday and although it got
warmer as the weekend progressed, it never got so hot that it was unbearable. We had 4 wagons on Saturday and 2 wagons on Sunday and Monday. As usual, we had a handful of horseback
riders with us each day. In total, we covered about 60 miles of the back country roads located here in the center of the state. We stopped several times each day to allow the horses, the
mules, and the people to rest and take a break. On Sunday, we followed a route which took us to a point where the road forded the Salt River and most of the riders took some time to take
a swim while we stopped for some food and some necessary wagon repairs. While bouncing around in the river, the tongue on Danny Crawfords wagon decided that it was a good place to lose the
nut on the fitting that held the yoke to the tongue. Fortunately, Jerry Waldridge and Terry Clark were able to rig up a lead rope repair until we could stop on our way home at Ace Hardware
to get a new nut. I was surprised that the hardware store was open on a Sunday afternoon particularly since it was the 4th of July. On Saturday evening, we all went to a local Mexican
restaurant to eat and on Sunday, we had a big Independance Day pot luck supper with burgers, hot dogs, salads, vegies, and a ton of deserts. This was followed by a fireworks display at dark.
Of course, the horses and mules didn't enjoy the fireworks as much as the youngsters, but that's a story for another day ...