Jerry Waldridge invited the members of the Kentucky Mule Skinners and the Community Draft Horse
and Mule Association to his new place near Ballard, Kentucky for a weekend of camping and wagon riding over the long Memorial Day weekend. The weather was unseasonably cool and overcast on Saturday, but the
rest of the weekend was sunny with much milder temperatures. We only had 3 wagons on Saturday and Sunday, but were joined by a 4th wagon on Monday. There were about 10 youngsters
with us each day ranging in age from about 12 to 17 who had a great time riding horseback along with the wagons. Another thing we had plenty of was dogs, but they all remained in the wagons when
we were traveling. In total, over the three days, we rode about 65 miles over the backroads of Anderson, Washington and Mercer counties located right in the center of the state. Our routes had us going over
and under the Bluegrass Parkway several times.