Conley's Horse Photos

2021 Kelly Robbins Spring Ride


Kelly Robbins invited his friends and the members of the Southern Indiana Draft Horse and Mule Association to Rudy Woosley's "Crawdad Hole" campground near Fordsville in Ohio County, Kentucky for a Spring wagon ride over the weekend of May 21-22, 2021. This was the first weekend with daytime high temperatures near 90F. There were 6 wagons there on Friday and they took a 23 mile ride. I was unable to arrive early enough to join the Friday ride, but the ride on Saturday was almost the same distance. The Saturday ride left the camp with 8 wagons, but one mule went lame after about 3 miles and they returned to camp. A second team had one mule start to show symptoms of colicing at the 18 mile mark so that team wound up returning to camp in a horse trailer. It is still early in the season and it takes a while to get the teams into peak condition. We rode through a lot of big fields where the new corn crop was just getting started. While we were riding on Saturday, Kelly had some pork butts and a beef brisket cooking in his big slow cookers. Once we returned to camp, the evening meal was readied and everyone dug into some great food. There was a big variety of food and desserts provided by all of the attendees. My favorite was the warm Amish rolls. After the meal, Kelly had a DJ on site to provide some music and entertainment. He told me that the last stragglers finally left the campfire and allowed him to go to bed about 2AM. There were no plans to ride on Sunday as time was needed to clean things up and for some folks to get ready to return to work on Monday. It had been over a year since I last got to spend time with this group and it sure was nice. This was also my first time to the Crawdad Hole and I was very impressed by what Rudy has done with the place so that he and his friends can really enjoy themselves. This is a great place to ride as there are many different routes to take through some beautiful Kentucky countryside.



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