Conley's Horse Photos

Eastern Kentucky Draft Horse and Mule Association

2016 Spring Field Day


The Eastern Kentucky Draft Horse and Mule Association held it's annual Spring Field Day on Saturday April 24, 2016 at the farm of Mike and Joyce Downs in Olympia, Kentucky. Shannon Mannies from northern Indiana was there with his team of black Shires. He was joined by his uncle Irvil Rogers from nearby Frenchburg with his team of Suffolk Punch horses. Mike Atkins from southern Ohio came down and drove a team of our host Mike Downs' American Belgians. They were joined by several members of Charles Orme's family from nearby Mt Sterling Kentucky. Charles' friend Ryland Moore came up from Virginia along with his family. Rylands daughter and son-in-law also brought their team of Belgian's. An interesting change from prior years was the participation of three antique tractors that belonged to members of the Bluegrass Antique Machinery Association. Mike had invited them to bring some of their antique tractors over to join in the plowing.

As usual, several of the participants arrived early and they were able to get some plowing done on Thursday and Friday even though the formal event was scheduled for Saturday. The weather in this part of the country has been somewhat dry this Spring. There were a few brief showers on Friday evening, but Saturday dawned cool, dry and overcast. The plowing on Saturday started about 10 AM and continued until late afternoon. Everyone took a break for lunch up in Mike's barn where Joyce had prepared a fine meal. Right after lunch, the sun came out and the rest of the day was beautiful. In mid afternoon, Charles Orme and his sons assembled Charles' famous 7 horse Belgian hitch and hooked it to his 2 bottom Pioneer plow. It was during this time that the recent loss of Charles son Mark to cancer was most evident as Mark had been one of the mainstays in laying out the gear needed to make up this hitch. As usual, Charles made a few rounds with the big hitch and then allowed anyone who desired take a turn at driving them. Unfortunately, Ryland wasn't able to take a turn on the lines due to recent surgery on his hand and his knee replacement a few weeks before that. However, his daughter took his place and did a swell job driving the big hitch.

Overall, it was a great day. There were many visitors who stopped by to watch the action, including several whose interest was in the antique tractors. This was a bit of a dry run for the 2016 National Horse Plowing Contest which will be held on these same grounds in late October of this year. Add that event to your calendar and make it a point to come see the action.



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Field Day Photos

Field Day Photos Slideshow



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A DVD with a slideshow of all of the photos displayed for this event is available for $19 plus $6 for shipping. 

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