Conley's Horse Photos

2015 Scott County Community Garden Plow Day

The Bluegrass Antique Machinery Association held a plow day on November 14, 2015 at the Georgetown-Scott County Community Garden in Georgetown, Kentucky. The association invited some of the area's horse owners to bring their teams to the event and demonstrate plowing with horses. The event had been postphoned from the prior week due to heavy rain on the original date. This resulted in both fewer teams and fewer spectators which was too bad as the weather was perfect and the ground really plowed easily. There are plans to make this an annnual event!!



Click HERE to see photos from this event!

Individual photos are available for purchase!  Contact us or click here for more information about ordering.

A DVD with a slideshow of all of the photos displayed for this event is available for $19 plus $6 for shipping.

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