Conley's Horse Photos

2015 Crawford's Ride

Following right on the heels of Homer Rader's 3 day wagon train, Danny and Linda Crawford hosted a weekend wagon ride at their farm on the banks of the Licking River near Hillsboro Kentucky. It seems like it rains every year on the weekend that Danny holds this ride. This year, however, was different. The weather continued to be dry and the temperatures, while not cool, were quite a bit lower than usual for late July. On Saturday, the 6 wagons that had spent the previous 3 days riding over from Paris Kentucky were joined by 3 additional wagons. We made about a 6 hour loop around the back roads of Fleming County. When we returned to Danny's farm in the late afternoon, we had a big pot luck dinner featuring roasted chicken provided by Linda and Danny and prepared by some of Danny's Amish friends. The Amish also brought enough home made ice cream for everyone present to have a large helping. After that great meal, we were entertained by a group of local Bluegrass artists who aren't professional musicians, but who sure did sound awful good.

On Sunday morning, it seemed that just about everyone was ready to leave. Most wanted to get home and take care of some of the things that they had been unable to do over the past few weeks due to the heavy rains in the area. After a big breakfast and some friendly conversation, it was time to pack up and head out. As always, we were sorry to see the festivities come to an end, but everyone seemed really glad that they had been able to be there.



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Danny Crawford's Ride

Danny Crawford's Ride



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A DVD with a slideshow of all of the photos displayed for this event is available for $19 plus shipping.

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