Conley's Horse Photos

2015 Rader Wagon Train


On Wednesday July 22,2015, Homer Rader led the annual 3 day wagon train from the thoroughbred farm he manages near Paris, Kentucky approximately 60 miles over to the farm of Danny Crawford near Hillsboro, Kentucky for Danny's upcoming weekend ride. On the first day, we left Columbiana Farm and went about 14 miles to North Middletown where we spent the first night. The group included 6 wagons and two outriders and everyone seemed to agree that the weather was perfect with high temperatures only in the low 80's (F). We did see a lot of fields of tobacco that was either damaged or ruined by the excessive rains that had plagued this part of the country over the last month. Because this was the first dry weather in awhile, we also saw a lot of hay that had finally been cut and was waiting to be baled. Wednesday evenings meal was excellent as Tina Willoughby cooked a large pot of spaghetti and meat sauce for everyone.

After an uneventful night, we got an early start on Thursday as it was to be the longest riding day of the trip. Again the weather cooperated and we covered the 25 mile route in very good time. We made our usual stop at the store in Morefield for lunch and then continued on to the Milltown area down near the Licking River where we spent the night. Homer had arranged a nice chicken dinner for that evening, so we were able to avoid having to cook for another night.

Rick and Tina Willoughby had to attend to some business on Friday and left early in the morning, but were able to return at the end of the day. Shelton Morris showed up on Friday morning with his mules and his wagon to take their slot in the wagon train. Ed Sosby decided to give his team a break from their harness on Friday. He and his friend Bill Donovan threw a couple of saddles on the horses and rode them instead. The highlight of the day on Friday was our much anticipated stop for lunch at the store in Sherburne. The sandwiches there are well known for both their quantity and their quality. Everyone posed on the steps of the store for a group photo after lunch and Homer "officially" turned over the lead of the wagon train to Danny. We finally arrived at Danny's farm late Friday afternoon ready to enjoy the weekend.

Overall, the trip went great with ideal weather and no serious mechanical breakdowns and without any serious problems with the livestock, although one riding horse got to go home with the Willoughby's when he came up lame on Friday morning. If we could bottle the weather we had on the trip this year and use it again next year, I'd really be looking forward to repeating that trip again!



Click the links below to see photos from this event!

Thumbnail Photos


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Slideshows *

Day 1 - Wednesday

Day 1 - Wednesday

Days 2 & 3 - Thursday and Friday

Days 2 & 3 - Thursday and Friday



         * Click the link above and the slideshow will begin.

A DVD with a slideshow of the photos from this event is available for $20 plus $5 for shipping. 

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