Conley's Horse Photos

2015 Bath County

Draft Horse Farm Pull


The members of the Eastern Kentucky Draft Horse and Mule Association held their annual draft horse farm pull on Friday July 10th in conjunction with the Bath County Agricultural and Horse Fair. The event was contested at the Lions Club Park in Owingsville, Kentucky. Although the recent weather in this area had many of the local residents considering the construction of an ark, there were still 8 teams that came out to participate. There had been a lot of rain in the days leading up to this event and the pulling track, while constructed of gravel, was somewhat sloppy and proved not to be as much of a challenge as it has been in the past. In fact, the worst nightmare of the organizers was realized when they ran out of blocks for the sled while there were still 3 teams making full pulls. A quick poll of the audience found a few volunteers who were willing to help out by adding their weight to the sled. So, in groups of two, a total of 6 volunteers climbed up and sat on the top of the blocks while the teams took their turns. This eliminated one team, but the other 2 were still making full pulls. With no more blocks and no room on the sled for more "volunteers", it was decided to hook the New Holland tractor up to the back of the sled and whichever team made the farthest pull of the sled with the volunteers riding on top and the tractor attached to the back would take home the gold. With pulls of 7 feet and 11 feet, the contest was finally decided. This proved to be a record breaking night for this event as no one can remember a time when it took this much weight to finally determine a winner.


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2015 Bath County Horse Pull

2015 Bath County Horse Pull



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